The Allianz Assistance number to call to register your claim is 0208 603 9692 (Mon-Fri office hours)
Making a claim should be a straight forward process and we work hard with our insurers at Allianz to make sure claims are settled quickly and fairly.
We monitor claims where problems arise and these points will help you avoid difficulties:
- Always have your policy certificate to hand and include it with your claim documents, Allianz do not have copies and need your certificate to verify cover dates and policy levels.
- The claims department is a busy call centre, if you struggle to get through straight away, call back at a quieter time. Mondays are always busy with clients returning from holidays at the weekend, mid-week tends to be quieter.
- If you called the emergency assistance line when you were on holiday and were given a reference number like 2024/123456 and you have either been given an invoice to settle or you have paid for medical costs yourself, you will need to set up the claim with the claims team by following the process below on your return to the UK. Do not email invoices for your out of pocket expenses to the medical assistance team.
- Do not email Allianz your documents without having registered your claim either via the number above or the claims portal. If using the claims portal, use this link and ensure you include your policy certificate.
- If at any time you get stuck or you are unsure what to do, ask Snowcard for help sooner rather than later, we can liaise with senior claims team members who will be able to ensure your claim is not delayed.
- Most delays occur when claims documentation or information is missing. Make sure you have all original receipts, supporting documents and your policy certificate before starting your claim – refer to our ‘guide to making a claim’ before starting.
Fully documented claims are normally settled within a few days. If a claim takes longer than expected make sure you seek assistance, the claims department is very busy and your claim is one of many in the process of being assessed and cleared for payment.
Please be respectful of the claims team staff, they do a difficult job but are there to help.
To register a claim or to make an enquiry about whether a possible claim is covered, please call Allianz Assistance - telephone (normal office hours) 0208 603 9692
You can also register a new claim using the Allianz Assistance claims portal online service
Your first point of contact should you need to make a claim is Allianz Assistance. When you call Allianz, you will be asked a number of questions about the nature of your claim and you will be asked to provide certain documents. Please ensure you have your policy certificate to hand as this will be required for all claims. You can also refer to our guide to making a claim which will assist in preparing to make your claim.
How claims are assessed click here
Claims calls are normally answered very quickly but during busy periods, you may be held in a queue. If you are unable to wait for your call to be answered, you can use the online claims portal or call back at a less busy time. The team at Snowcard have met and work closely with the claims team at Allianz who provide a very high standard of service. If at any stage you need help or assistance or you are having difficulties, contact [email protected] quoting your claims reference and we can liaise with Allianz on your behalf and assist with your claim.
Note: claims are handled directly by Allianz Assistance and Snowcard do not hold details of individual claims.
- If you experience a delay or you are having a problem with a claim, you can contact [email protected] we can usually help move things along and we will do what we can to assist.
- Snowcard can provide support with claims guidance where you are unsure how to proceed.
- Claims settlement times are generally within a few days of submitting your information, delays in settlement times are usually because important information is missing or has not been provided.
- If a claim takes longer than expected to finalise please let us know. It will usually be because of a communication problem and whilst Allianz are very pro active about completing claims, if they are not provided with the information they have requested, your claim will not be completed until the requested documentation has been supplied.
- Once you have your claim reference, any further documents you need to provide can be uploaded via the online claims portal.
If you need guidance before making a claim, email [email protected] or refer to guide to making a claim
Documents Required:
medical and other expenses
Please send details of the illness or injury and original receipts and bills for any expenses you have paid.
activity pack (courses, lessons, hire, lift pass and green fees)
Give reason for cutting short the use of your ski/golf pack and a medical certificate confirming that this was necessary.
personal accident
Please send full details of the accident and injury. If you make a claim, you must allow our medical advisers to examine you as often as they need. (We will pay any costs and your expenses for these examinations if we accept your claim.)
personal liability
You must send us any writ, summons or other legal documents as soon as you receive them. You must also give us any information and help we need to deal with the case and your claim. You must not negotiate, pay, settle, admit or deny any claim without our written agreement.
personal belongings, snow sport and activity equipment and temporary loss
Please send full details of the belongings which have been lost, stolen or damaged. You should also send receipts to prove their value or bills for the cost of repair. For loss or theft claims, you must also send a police report. If your belongings are lost, stolen or damaged in the care of an airline, you must send a ‘property irregularity report’ as well as the flight tickets and luggage receipts the airline gave you when you checked in. For temporary loss claims, please send receipts for replacement items you have bought and a ‘property irregularity report’.
equipment hire
Please send receipts for the cost of the equipment hire and full details of what was lost, damaged or stolen.
money and documents
Please send full details together with a police report and cash withdrawal slips or similar proof of the money you withdrew.
if you lose your passport
Please send a police report, bills and receipts for travel and accommodation expenses.
if you cancel the trip
Please give the reason for cancelling the trip and send us your booking invoice or receipt and your cancellation invoice. We will need written proof of the reason for cancellation. If cancellation is due to illness or injury, the medical certificate on the cancellation claim form will need to be filled in by the doctor of the person who was ill or injured.
cutting the trip short
Please give the reason you cut short your trip, confirming that you had to come home early. Before you return home early for medical reasons, you must get a doctor’s certificate to confirm that this is necessary and that you are fit to travel. You must then send this with your claim form.
When you claim you must ask the airline or transport company to confirm in writing:
- the cause of the delay or cancellation;
- the period of the delay;
- the scheduled time of departure and arrival; and
- the actual time of departure and arrival.
missed departure – extra travel and accommodation expenses
Please send confirmation of the delay from the carrier or tour operator. You must also send receipts or bills for your expenses. For car breakdown or accident claims, send the repairer’s report or police accident report and details of how you got to the port or airport.
travel disruption
In the first instance you should seek compensation from your transport and/or accommodation provider.
Having done so if there are any remaining irrecoverable incurred costs, please contact our claims service. You may be required to provide evidence confirming any amounts you have been able to recover or that you have not been able to recover your costs elsewhere.
piste closure
Please ask the relevant authority to confirm in writing that the piste was closed. You must also send your receipts for transport to the other resort and the cost of the lift pass.
legal expenses
Please send full details of the accident and your injury.
If we agree to a claim for medical expenses which has been reduced by your using a reciprocal heath agreement or private health insurance, you will not have to pay the excess.
essential travel
If you have decided to travel despite the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advising against all but essential travel, we will need evidence of why you believe your travel should be considered essential in the event of a claim.
Please note that all limits are per person insured under the policy (unless age restrictions apply). The policy excess is applied per person for each claim being made under each section of the policy.